This page provides you with a link to manage your location transactions automatically. Please use the appropriate button below;

  1. "REQUEST MOVE": I want to move my location (Please review the map here: National Territory Map to ensure your address is legal or the system will not allow you to complete the process and deny the request)
  2. "POST ME FOR SALE": I want to mark my location as "FOR SALE" (Will mark your terrirory as "FOR SALE" on our prospect map and alert our Business Development Department to look for candidates)
  3. "SELLING": I am selling my location - I have a buyer (Will kick off the process for them to apply . If approved it will start the sequence for them to become a dealer. This will automatically close your location in your name upon their execution of a "Territory Agreement")
  4. "ADD A LOCATION": I want to request approval for an additional location (will kick off a request to corporate to review and determine eligibility and, if approved, start the process to get the location open) PLEASE NOTE the requirements:
    1. Must have been in business for at least 1 year
    2. Must have averaged at least $12,000 a month in portal and Malouf purchases combined for the preceeding 12 month period
    3. Requested location must be within 25 miles / 30 minutes drive time of your residence (heaviest traffic) and outside of existing territory
    4. Mentor must review and approve of business plan for running additional locations
    5. Please note that additional locations  will be set at the first primary location pricing tier. All locations will graduate and  maintain the same pricing tier as the location with the most volume. Multiple location volumes cannot be combined to calcualte a tier level
  5. COMING SOON: "CONTACT CHANGE": I need to change the primary contact information of my location (NOTE: this will only change the dealer phone number, email or both. Our system only allows one contact per account. The primary will need to forward all information and communication from corporate to any other account contacts)
  6. "ADD CONTACT": I need to add a partner or employee to my dealership (legal paperwork). (This action will have them sign a confidentiality agreement, as well as a consent to be bound by your agreement to protect you and MBA)
  7. "CLOSE A LOCATION": I need to officially notify MBA of my intent to close my location permanently (legal paperwork). This button will kick off the correct documents for you to execute to properly exit the MBA network and permanently close your location.  Simply answer the questions and look in your email for further instructions. If you are interested in buying out of your contract, you MUST EMAIL David Shiroff, first, for those instructions at

If you have any location management questions, please do not hesitate to reach  out to Andy Ross at